Previous Episode: #048 The Client Ascension Path
Next Episode: #050 What is your WHY?

Saying ‘I just need enough to get by’ is selfish, here’s why.
You’re only thinking about you, if you’re just getting by, and you have just enough each month, that means you’re not helping people, or donating money anywhere or giving freely to those who need it. It’s a very selfish way of thinking. Money is not about us. It’s about how we use it to serve.

We’re supposed to keep the energy of money flowing, they call it currency because it's supposed to be flowing like a current. When we bring it in and hoard it, if we have just enough to get by, we’re suffocating the money and not allowing it to flow freely.

Think about your income goals, how do you live as the best version of yourself with the money that you’re creating and how do you serve on this planet? How do you take that money and put it back in the world? Because only when we’re doing that will money freely flow into our lives. If you’re hanging on tightly to it, it's not going to flow to you.

This is about cheating abundance so you can give it back out into the world.

Key Points:

Why it's selfish to say ‘I need just enough money to get by’. The importance of keeping the energy of money flowing so that we can serve and help people. Money is called ‘currency’ for a reason, it needs to flow like the current.


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Happy Life by Fredji
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