What is your WHY? Why are you stepping out as a Spiritual Coach? and Why are you creating this business?

When we go down the path of creating a Spiritual Business - which is a direct reflection of where you are vibrationally, there is a lot of inner growth that needs to occur and if you don't have a really strong ‘why’, you are going to give up.

When you step out to create your Spiritual business or when you scale it, you are going to run into obstacles, and having a really strong ‘why’ lets you overcome these obstacles with ease because you’re determined to build your Spiritual Business to serve on this planet.

Tune in to this podcast to find out a key exercise that I teach my Spiritual coaching certification clients, in order to find your ‘WHY’. It digs really deep into finding out your real reason, the thing that motivates you everyday to get out of bed and start your Spiritual business, your true WHY.

Key Points:

The reason you need a really strong WHY What happens if you don’t know your ‘why’ or if it isn't strong enough. Exercise to find out your ‘WHY’

If you want to learn more about connecting with your soul tribe and become an extraordinary Spiritual Coach, then the Spiritual Biz Coaching Certification Program is for you. And it’s time for you to book a call with my team to see if you qualify for the program: www.spiritualbizcoaching.com

I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, Spiritual Biz Success, where you can get all of your spiritual business questions answered: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spiritualbizsuccess


Happy Life by Fredji
SC: https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic
FB: https://www.facebook.com/fredjimusic/
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