Are you out there looking for clients and wondering where they are? Today we’re talking about manifesting your soul tribe!

Are you doing everything you’re supposed to do for your Spiritual Business but still aren’t getting clients? It’s all falling on deaf ears and the clients may be non-existent or slowly trickling in?
Are you too caught up in trying to convince your clients that what you have is what they need instead of connecting with them so that they understand how your service was going to help them?

The key here is connecting with your soul tribe. When you connect with your tribe at a soul level (using the process that I’ve created), the connection is so deep that the clients just show up for you! There is not a lot of sales and no push energy, they simply show up! Because they know you at your soul level, this could be from a past life or dimension, they know that there is a connection.

In this episode I also discuss how to manifest your soul tribe and a key factor to consider when manifesting your soul tribe. Also, how to let your clients know and understand that you know what they are experiencing today and build real trust with them.


Key Points:

Are you too busy trying to convince people that what you created is what they needed instead of connecting with your clients on a soul level? How to connect with your tribe at a soul level so that they just show up for you. How to manifest your soul tribe and key factors to consider. How to connect with your clients emotionally, physically and mentally, to establish real trust.

If you want to learn more about connecting with your soul tribe, then the Spiritual Biz Coaching Certification Program is for you. And it’s time for you to book a call with my team to see if you qualify for the program:

I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, Spiritual Biz Success, where you can get all of your spiritual business questions answered:


Happy Life by Fredji
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