We’re discussing if you’re accidentally repelling money away from you.

Do you have limiting beliefs that may not even be yours? These could be passed down from your parents or family members. In this episode we discuss how to identify ancestral patterns that you have that may be repelling money from you.

Any time you are against something, you are out of alignment with your core self. It's not about resistance, it's about being in flow with what we desire. Are your beliefs about money coming from a place of scarcity and lack because you think that there is ‘not enough’ in this world? We discuss why this is absolutely false and how to thrive in abundance with a shift in our mindset!

Money is just energy - it comes from us and not to us!

Key Points:

Identifying limiting beliefs that may have been passed down ancestrally. Shifting our mindset about wealth and abundance. Identifying a lack mentality and embracing the vibration of money. Think about ways to attract abundance into our lives too.


If you want to learn more about connecting with your soul tribe and create your abundance, then the Spiritual Biz Coaching Certification Program is for you. And it’s time for you to book a call with my team to see if you qualify for the program: www.spiritualbizcoaching.com

I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, Spiritual Biz Success, where you can get all of your spiritual business questions answered: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spiritualbizsuccess


Happy Life by Fredji
SC: https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic
FB: https://www.facebook.com/fredjimusic/
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