Please welcome my first guest, Anke Docherty, to the podcast! In this episode we bust the myths of hypnosis and discuss in detail how it can be the tool to unlock your deepest issues. I even share my own experience being hypnotized!  

As a Licensed Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT) and a Certified Life Coach, Anke helps people break free from what’s holding them back and gives them the freedom to achieve whatever they want. 

Connect with Anke here:

Website: www.ankedocherty.comInstagram: with Anke:

Thanks for listening to Kill the Unicorns! My mission is to help women create a life they are happy in for real. If you want to work together to create exactly what you want, visit me here.

Also come hang with me on IG: @janinedursocoaching

My mission is to help women create a life they freaking LOVE!

Find me on IG & FB @janinedursocoaching
Email: [email protected]