Episode 78 is all about alignment with spirit. What that looks and feels like, how you can get there and why it’s the only thing you want to accomplish. This is really a continuation of the live I did last week on Instagram. It was so much fun for me and I hope for those who listened. I realized that there is only so much you can talk about during a live without overwhelming people, and my podcast is a way to deepen the conversation more intimately. More one-on-one, which is still my favorite way to connect with all of you!


Spiritual alignment is what we came here for in this physical space and that's why it feels so AMAZING! Because when we are in perfect alignment we are experiencing our spirit's natural state of well-being. We are being the absolute best version of ourselves that we can be. You can’t ask for more than that. 


In this episode, you will learn: Why I feel about spirit the way I do, 4 simple things you need to do to help you achieve alignment, and why alignment with spirit is so important

My whole point of doing this episode is to help you achieve the life you want. That life starts and ends with spiritual alignment. When I say it is the only thing you need to achieve- I mean every word. When you make this your focus everything else falls into place. You’ll be amazed at how simple it is once you surrender your need to control the outcome. Once you trust in yourself & the universe to bring you what you want.


If you would like to get the show notes for this episode, head on over to: