#026 The 26th episode of Kickass Every Day focuses on a subject that really gets my fire and energy going- the life crisis. This is because I have experienced both. Funny thing is I didn’t realize I had gone through a quarter-life crisis until much later when I went through my mid-life crisis. 

To me both life crisis are marked by the same 4 core things- comparison complex, incredible self-doubt, frustration over unmet expectations and the struggles of being a multi-passionate person. There is smattering of other things but these are the four core issues. Plus one underlying cause. (I know you are dying to hear what it is) 

So the goal of this episode is to help you understand the amazing similarities between the two and some ways to help you avoid a mid-life crisis and if you are in one to help you get out of it. I will give you a hint- it all goes back to purpose. See how I just built off previous episodes?

I also share with you the details of my upcoming Kickass Way Purpose Challenge- 5 Days to Declaring Your Purpose starting August 24th!

Continue with me on this journey and subscribe! Also, invite your friends to join the conversation as well so they can be a part of the fun. Let’s inspire and grow with each other. 

If you would like to get the show notes for this episode, head on over to: