#038 The 38th episode of Kickass Every Day introduces a new series!! Personal Development Greats. I am so excited to bring you this new series. With so many personal development greats out there it’s hard to really know all of them and the best things they can bring to your life. My hope is that this series will highlight the best that these personal development greats have to offer to help you decide which ones are for you. This series will be spread out over the next several months so that I can touch on other topics in between.

We are starting off the series with my all-time favorite personal development mentor- Jim Rohn. Now there are two very specific reasons that I picked Jim to the first person in this series. First to me he embodies what personal development is. Myself and many others equate the words personal development with him. Second by far he has had the biggest influence on my life as it relates to personal development.

So the goal of this episode is to you help you to get to know Jim Rohn and some of the amazing things he has done for the world of personal development. What he has done for me and what he can do for you.

We will talk about- A brief look into Jim’s life, How I got to know him, Some of the programs of his that I have used, Some fundamental things Jim has taught me that you can benefit from also

Jim Rohn is considered by many to be a national treasure and for good reason. I hope that after listening to this episode you will find some great reasons to pick up one of his books or listen to one of his talks and find out for yourself how amazing he really is.  

Continue with me on this journey and subscribe! Also, invite your friends to join the conversation as well so they can be a part of the fun. Let’s inspire and grow with each other. 

Be sure to check out my latest episode of the Kickass Every Day TV show where I will share with you some helpful ways to make working with everyone at your job easier.  You can find it on my YouTube channel and on my website.

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