Episode 64 returns to my Personal Development Greats series with the amazing Earl Nightingale. Like so many other mentors I have had on my personal development journey Earl came into my life as a result of learning about him from another mentor. This teacher is Bob Proctor. I spoke about him in Episode 63 and Episode 56.  

I have always said that teachers show up when we the student are ready to learn from them and that was definitely the case with Earl. Even though I have known about him for quite some time now, it has only been within the last year that I have begun to really look at his work and him as a person. I think one of the reasons for this is that I have come to a place with personal development that I am much more deliberate in what I am practicing and have become laser-focused on certain things that I am trying to achieve for myself. Earl Nightingale offers those things that I am focused on right now. Namely success in business and life.

You will learn:  A little bit about Earl’s life, some of his accomplishments, about some of his well-known programs, what he was passionate about, and how you can apply it to your own life 

Earl Nightingale spent a lifetime figuring out what makes people successful and how to apply that to your own life. He is considered one of the greatest philosophers of modern time and listening to just one of his audio recordings will show you why. Take the time to listen and learn as much as you can. Not just from Earl but from lots of different teachers. The time you spend on your personal growth will pay you back 10 fold.

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