#043 The 43rd episode of Kickass Every Day brings us back to the area of relationships and focuses on the one we have with our kids. Even if you don’t have kids right now, we’ve all had parents or someone who filled that role for us. And hey maybe one day you will have children or the opportunity to mentor a young person. Either way having a set of personal development tools in your toolbox to help you flourish in these relationships will go far and wide for you.

I can’t stress to you enough how powerful practicing personal development in your life can be when it comes to these parental type relationships. .  I was fortunate to find personal development early in life. Now it wasn’t quite early enough when I had my son at 19, but if you remember I first discovered it when I was 23 and that was a year after I had my middle daughter. So by the time I had my youngest daughter at the age of 33, you can be sure I had learned a lot in those 10 years. My attitude towards parenting alone had changed tremendously.

So the goal of this episode is to show you how using personal development in your life will help you to be the best parent you can be.

We will talk about-  My aha moment around my role as a parent, some important things about being a parent, a few ways for you to use personal development in parenting, some final words of encouragement 😊

I love being a mom, aunt and now grandmother. I love kids. To me watching a child discover something for the first time is magical. Watching them figure something out on their own and seeing the satisfaction on their face when they do is inspirational. You will always hear me say that being a mom to my 3 kids is the most important job I will ever have. And if I don’t get that job right, nothing else really matters. Why? Because from the moment I found out I was pregnant with my son at the age of 18, I knew that I was now responsible for not only bringing another person into this world, but making sure that he had the best start possible. Making sure that the person he would grow up to be was someone that added to our world in a positive way.

Continue with me on this journey and subscribe! Also, invite your friends to join the conversation as well so they can be a part of the fun. Let’s inspire and grow with each other. 

If you would like to get the show notes for this episode, head on over to:

Don’t forget to check out this week’s episode of Kickass Every Day TV where I will go a little deeper into our role as parents and how I believe as spirits we choose those who we will collaborate with here on Earth. You can find it on my YouTube channel and on my website.