Episode 86 is all about the power of positivity and having an optimistic attitude and outlook on life. For me being positive is something that comes naturally, but I recognize that’s not the case for everyone. What I also recognize is there are tremendous benefits that come from having a positive mindset. And it’s my goal to help you achieve that if and only if that’s what you’re looking to do.


Our world has too much negativity at the moment and it’s only through making a conscious effort to be more positive, that we can overcome that. Negativity is like cancer because it spreads, it creeps in when you aren’t looking and it’s definitely contagious! But so is positivity. And as a perpetual ‘glass-is-half-full’ kind of girl I know positivity will win in the end 😉


In this episode we talk about:  My personal experience with positivity, some benefits of being a more positive person, the B.S. about ‘toxic positivity', a few ways to help you have a more positive outlook on life


There is nothing wrong with being a positive person because as spiritual beings who emanate from love, that is our natural state. It’s also why when you are stuck in negativity, it doesn’t feel good! No one, including myself, is trying to be positive ALL the time. We have a range of feelings for a reason. I’m just aiming to be that way most of the time and so far, it has never failed me. 

Do you struggle with being a more positive person and would like to change that? Then let’s have a conversation about that and turn it around. Email me at [email protected]


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