Episode 70 dives into the power of thought. More importantly, directing your thoughts. Really becoming a master of this. The very first time I learned about the power of thought and how we really do create with our thoughts was when I read the book the Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles. This concept really blew me away, to be honest. This wasn’t something I learned in church or at home or at school. And yet it is the very thing that one needs to know and understand in order to live the life you truly want to live. 

Over the years this passing interest in the power of thought has grown into something of an obsession. Meaning I can’t get enough of it! The universe has brought me more and more teachers on the subject and my knowledge has really deepened. It is with that passionate, hopefully, inspiriting energy that I bring this episode to you.

You will learn:  Two important benefits of mastering this,  a few ways to help you do this,  just how powerful of a creator you really are

As Mike Dooley says- Thoughts become things, so choose the good ones. That is a simple quote about the power of thought, but one that you should repeat to yourself often. When you really start paying attention to your thoughts and more importantly continued repeating thoughts about something, you will have taken the first step in creating change for yourself. Awareness about anything creates an immediate shift. It is then up to you to take that shift and become the true creative director of your life that you were meant to be.

Continue with me on this journey and subscribe! Also, invite your friends to join the conversation as well so they can be a part of the fun. Let’s inspire and grow with each other. 

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