Episode 88 shares the wonderful interview that I had with Andray Sumeer aka The Superhero of Love.  Andray is one of those special spirits in life that when you meet him, you sense that he is a person worthwhile getting to know. The funny thing is, before his spiritual awakening, he will tell you himself that he was a completely different person. One that was angry all the time and honestly didn’t want to continue living.


He shares his story with such authenticity that you can’t help but want to know more about him. His YouTube channel is filled with inspirational videos all designed to help you move your needle forward in life. To help you become your own superhero. He has declared himself the superhero of love here to spread divine love & light to each of our souls. Here to spread pure bliss to each of us and heal and harmonize our planet. Well, I’m sure glad he is!


In this episode, we talk about:  Andray’s awakening experience,  A little bit about his past, Visualizing, journaling, gratitude, and so many other things!


I loved interviewing Andray. He just has such excitement about life that comes from the amazing experience that he had and I was honored that he shared his story so freely. I know that when you listen, that excitement will come through for you as well. You will walk away with a better feeling throughout your day.


If you would like to learn more about Andray and how you can work with him you can find her contact info in the show notes on my website, head on over to: