Episode 60 shares with you 12 game changing ways that personal development teaches you to think. Everything starts with our thoughts and our thinking process. Our mindset is so powerful which is why we need to make sure that it is always working for us and not against us. When you understand and a lot of times uncover how you have been thinking about things that’s when you are able to make real changes for yourself. To really take control of your mind and therefore your destiny.                                                                                                                                                      
I can’t believe that I have reached episode 60! With each milestone episode that I put out, I am just reenergized and excited all over again about this podcast. I fall in love all over again with personal development and am more determined than ever to continue to share its amazing powers with others.

You will learn - My favorite definition of personal development, how amazing and brilliant your mind really is, 12 ways to up-level your thinking process, that you are in control of your destiny 

Every moment of every day is an opportunity to be present. To participate in this incredible human experience. To choose your thoughts , words and actions. To remember who you really are and the magnificent source energy we are all a part of. Choose to be your best and train your mind to think in a certain way. A way that benefits you and those around you by using the holistic approach that personal development gives you.

Continue with me on this journey and subscribe! Also, invite your friends to join the conversation as well so they can be a part of the fun. Let’s inspire and grow with each other. 

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