Saarim is a recognized LinkedIn expert and consultant who has helped thousands of people master LinkedIn for client acquisition. Today, multiple people have credited Saarim with helping them to get their businesses 6 & 7 figure levels. Today, Saarim has coaching programs specifically focused on client acquisition using LinkedIn. For all things LinkedIn & getting clients - Saarim is the guy to go to!

Questions and topics we covered include:

How to grow a blog from 0 to 1 million readers in 2022.
Why Saarim chooses LinkedIn as his area of expertise.
The common mistakes people make when trying to promote themselves on LinkedIn.
The best content format for LinkedIn.
What makes LinkedIn different from Instagram in terms of client acquisition?
How do you design a LinkedIn profile to attract clients?
What are the 3 principles for getting clients on LinkedIn? (Traffic, Content, & Relationships)
How to create an actionable content strategy for LinkedIn in 2022.
What kind of content attracts buyers the best on LinkedIn?

And more!

Say hi to Saarim on LinkedIn here: