“There’s no dictionary for marketings strategies…when you work in a marketing team, if you’re going to keep trying what other people are doing—it’s not going to be productive. You have to do is be open to your market and your customers and talk to your customers.”

Julian is the Co-Founder & Head of Growth at TheSecretCompany.co 🗝 a crew of serial entrepreneurs, with a pirate mindset, and secret co-founders of over 10 startups. Julian fell into entrepreneurship by selling computer scripts online at the impressive age of 14 years old. Over time he quickly developed a digital side-business studio, called SideFounders. He’s also co-founded an import-export company with a Chinese partner, exported machines to Africa and Europe, and sold thousands of masks during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic last year. His main focus right now is managing growth at The Secret Company.

Questions we covered:

What is “Pirate Marketing”?
How do you define a “North Star” metric?
What are some of the growth secrets he’s learned from starting several businesses?
Can you describe Human Market Fit and how it differs from Product market fit?
What makes for a good growth marketer?
Why he looks for marketing experts who aren’t marketers?
And more!

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/byjulian/

Medium: julianivaldy.medium.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/julianivaldy

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/julianivaldy

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PirateMarketer

If you’re interested you can join the Pirate Marketing movement by joining Julian’s community group:


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