Agata is a growth mentor and a marketing leader with +10 years of experience in developing and executing growth strategies at companies like Google, Groove, and Piktochart. Currently, as a VP of Growth at Piktochart, she is leading a 100% remote marketing, sales, and product team. Together with her team, Agata is on the mission of empowering people to tell great visual stories that stick.


Lessons she learned from her 7 years working at Google.
Why is it hard to become an SEO expert?
What is one of the hardest parts of managing a 100% remote team? How can managers measure the performance of their remote teammates?
What should a content marketer focus on first—finding the right channels or discovering the right content format?
What is an often overlooked metric that content marketers need to pay more attention to?
What makes for a great Instagram ad in 2021?
Should social media marketers have some sort of experience using Google Analytics?
What does Agata look for when she is hiring new team members?
Why is Product Hunt important? For any businesses launching on Product Hunt, what advice would she give them?
Why are mentors essential to a marketer’s career growth?

You can say hi to Agata via Linkedin:

Resources mentioned⬇️

Backlinko (a great SEO learning resource):
For a deeper dive into how OKRs help marketing teams, check out episode #56 of the podcast with Sarah Bond:
Agata’s blog post on the CUTENESS ad formula for Instagram:
If you need a Growth Mentor: