“In a world where everyone wears a mask, it’s a privilege to see a soul.”

This weeks guest comes to us from Dallas Texas by way of Kansas City, Mo. Former student athlete, life-long gymnast, certified personal trainer, Reiki Energy healer and nutritional counselor Alison Jones. Dr. Jones holds a doctorate in the field of chiropractic care. In addition to her 16 years as a student athlete, she is well-versed in mind & body wellbeing, as well as the challenges of misinformation, nutritional access, and how to inspire transformation through encouragement and incremental progress.

We spoke about her background, career shifts, discovering her purpose and following it with passion as well as a range of topics from nutrition, forming habits, what we put into our bodies and what we get out of that investment or expense. If you’re looking for tips on small changes you can make to your wellness regimen, things to look out for in supermarkets, and more information concerning things like common myths about the organic and health food industries, this is an episode to pay close attention to.

I discovered quite a few things about the dangers of processed meat, which fatty oils are best to eat and how to use them to prepare foods, some quick tips about portion control, why probiotics are important and basics about intermittent fasting.

If you are planning a lifestyle change for the beginning of the new year or are simply a health-nerd who takes what you put into your body seriously, this is one episode you can’t skip.

This week we discussed nutrition, food consumption, GMO’s and additives, preventive approaches to health care, the generational impact of poor nutrition habits, gut health, intermittent fasting, how to nudge the one’s you love to healthier habits in love, intestinal health and how the mind and body work interdependently as well as techniques to get you up and going on your journey to your best self.



Episode Links:


- Dr. Sebi, Natural healer & self-taught pathologist, herbalist, biochemist & naturalist- Facebook Fan page

-  Sprouts  Farmers  Market  -  [Official  Website] (https://www.sprouts.com/)

-  Sugan  G.  Komen:  Breast  Cancer  Foundation  -  [Official Website](https://ww5.komen.org/)



- “Canola” in Canola Oil Has Been an Acronym This Whole Time - Readers Digest

- Your gut is the cornerstone of your immune system - Health24.com

-  How  Do  You  Know  You  Might  Have  an  Alzheimer’s  Gene?  - [NY  Times] (https://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/10/magazine/an- alzheimers-gene-one-familys-saga.html)

-  The  Truth  about  Naked  Juice  -  [Good  House  Keeping] (https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/diet- nutrition/news/a40747/naked-juice-unhealthy-lawsuit/)

-  Head  Strong:  The  Bulletproof  Plan  to  Activate  Untapped

Brain  Energy  to  Work  Smarter  and  Think  Faster-in  Just Two  Weeks  -  By  Dave  Asprey  [Amazon] (https://www.amazon.com/Head-Strong-Bulletproof- Activate-Faster/dp/0062652419/ref=sr_1_1? ie=UTF8&qid=1540295570&sr=8-

1&keywords=dave+asprey+headstrong&dpID=51l646aE3%252BL&p reST=_SY344_BO1,204,203,200_QL70_&dpSrc=srch)

-  The  Biology  of  Belief:  Unleashing  the  Power  of Consciousness,  Matter  &  Miracles  -  By  Bruce  Lipton [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_12? url=search-alias%3Daps&field- keywords=the+biology+of+belief+by+bruce+lipton&sprefix=t he+biology+%2Caps%2C202&crid=3E7VQP6KSK2MN)



#Adverse Effect Giveaway - Winners.


Congratulations to Nnamdi Iwegbu and India Bridgeford, our two winners of the first Adverse Effect Challenge. Someone from the team or I will be contacting you via email to arrange for you to receive your prizes.


Be sure to stay connected for the next chance to win 1 free month of the streaming music service of your choice. Follow me on Facebook or Instagram and keep checking for more info.


Keep up with Dr. Jones and I Online:


Alison Jones D.C.


*  [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/dralisonjones/)

*  [Facebook  Fanpage] (https://www.facebook.com/dralisonjonesdc/)


*  [Website](https://www.dralisonjones.co/)

*  [Shop](https://www.dralisonjones.co/products/)

*  [Personal  Wellness,  Fitness  &  Nutrition  Blog (https://iamdrcat.com/)


Ken Cheadle


*  [My  Website](https://www.kennethcheadle.com/podcast/)

*  [Instagram](https://twitter.com/kennethcheadle?


*  [The  Blog](https://www.kennethcheadle.com/articles/)

*  [Facebook] (https://www.facebook.com/KennethCheadleTheAdverseEffect



GUEST: Alison Jones

HOSTED BY: Kenneth Cheadle

PRODUCED BY: Podcast Wagon

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