“I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really, get busy living or get busy dying.”

—Ellis “Red” Redding (Morgan Freeman)


For Kansas City native Wesley Hamilton, the decision to no longer remain at the mercy of his disability came well after the shooting that left him paralyzed from the waste down, the near-death coma he later he recovered from and the prognosis that he would never regain the function of the lower half of his body.

For this young man, living life on his terms began by the prophetic words of his then four-year old daughter, “My daddy is in his Superman chair.”

Today, Ken sat down with this once self-admitted insecure and overweight kid from East Kansas City, rapped about how he became a rebound founder and philanthropist, an award-winning adaptive athlete and motivational speaker after, whose complete physical, emotional and spiritual transformation all but defy the laws of nature.

Wesley opens up about the challenges he faced growing up without an accessible father or male role model at home, the choices that lead to his life- altering brush with death, struggles with his own body image and how trying to fit in eventually led him to become a product of his environment.

Wesley and ken both get vulnerable the ways self-esteem issues black men bury in their childhood to avoid appearing soft, often resurface into our adult hood, the residual effects of unaddressed emotional emptiness turns into addiction, anger, violence or an unhealthy obsession with creating the appearance of

being unbothered and how that ultimately pushes those we need most away.

Wesley touches on how he reprogrammed his perspective, found joy in his road to a renewed purpose and how very small, yet intentional decisions formed the snowball that allowed him to lose an astonishing 100lbs. in a twelve-month time span, the nurse who encouraged him to begin his non-profit foundation, Disabled but Not Really, how he got into competitive body building well-after his accident and the deliberate investments in himself, his purpose and his daughter that have paid-off in unimaginable ways.

I don’t care who you are, this story is for you and you will be influenced to dig deep within yourself and become greater than your adversity after listening to this episode. Wesley story is one of survival, determination, discovery and abundance.

The way Wesley repeatedly commits himself to excellence without fear and the desire to experience life on his own terms and ferociousness he attacks his dreams and vision with are at the core of what this podcast is all about, so download this episode. I’m sure it is one you will revisit.



Main Topics:

This week we discussed emotional development, overcoming personal challenges, discovering and operating in your purpose, overcoming your environment and other challenges blocking you from living your best life, addiction, anger, insecurity, the value in discovering yourself in isolation, the importance of positive self-affirmations and how extraordinary determination, commitment and daily steps forward can be the phone booth that stands between the Clark Kent you are, and the Superman you have the potential to become.


Keep up with Wesley and I Online:


Wesley Hamilton.

*  [Disabled  But  Not  Really  Foundation] (https://disabledbutnotreally.org/)


*  [Instagram] (https://www.instagram.com/disabledbutnotreally/)

*  [Facebook] (https://www.facebook.com/disabledbutnotreally/)

*  [Twitter](https://twitter.com/DBNR_KC)

*  [Youtube] (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCysmwTT1FYddDzX5d5qt1w g)


Ken Cheadle

*  [My  Website](https://www.kennethcheadle.com/podcast/)

*  [Instagram](https://twitter.com/kennethcheadle?


*  [The  Blog](https://www.kennethcheadle.com/articles/)

*  [Facebook] (https://www.facebook.com/KennethCheadleTheAdverseEffect


GUESTS: Wesley Hamilton

HOSTED BY: Kenneth Cheadle

PRODUCED BY: Podcast Wagon

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