During this episode I discuss what the SAD- Standard American Diet is and why it is not contributing positively to our overall health.  I then introduce what I call  "GLAD" (Good Life American Diet).  Each are outlined for you below, as well as several links for you to check out, if you'd like, related to this episode.

SAD- diet heavily focused on processed foods, sugar, fat, and high sodium foods which has contributed to the health issues many of us, and our loved ones face today

GLAD- diet focused on whole foods (food from the Earth), eating balanced meals (protein, fat, and fiber at each of your three main meals), drinking half your body weight in ounces of water daily, and moving your body for 30-60 minutes a day

How can I move from a SAD to GLAD diet?
-Connect with a step-by-step mentality before making changes and know that everything worth doing takes time
-Incremental change = long lasting change...why did the tortoise win the race?  He took this time.
-Focus on making home-cooked meals, reducing the takeout/fast food/restaurant meals
-Identify healthy swaps that make your favorite recipes taste great, while also being much healthier (i.e. use avocado oil instead of canola/vegetable oil for cooking, use applesauce to replace butter/margarine for baking, and use monk fruit/organic, unfiltered honey instead of refined sugar)

Have you joined  the podcast Facebook community?!   If not and you are a woman that is interested in having a place to connect, inspire and support other like-minded women, this is the place for you!  In the Facebook community we will share our health and wellness journeys with one another in an effort to normalize these talks we often shy away from, or feel are not welcome.  They are welcome here, and I can't wait to see you in there!!  Use the following link to request to join:


Finally, if this podcast resonates with you, it would mean the world to me if you could take a minute or two and leave a review on Apple Podcasts.  Reviews help this podcast become more searchable and therefore allows me to impact more people, like you! Feel free to tag me on Instagram @kelly_bluth so that I can personally thank you. I am so grateful for you and look forward to continuing on this journey together!









https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/81/2/341/4607411 (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition) 


Article Mentioned in the episode from NPR: https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2013/12/06/249352711/in-meat-we-trust-argues-we-got-the-meat-industry-we-asked-for