In this episode of Keeping it Real Frank Klesitz shows you how to write and mail the “Golden Letter” for seller lead generation. Yes, an actual USPS letter using a real stamp to put in the hands of possible sellers.

This is a personal message, in a #10 envelope without your logo on it (so it gets opened), that you send to the neighbors of a house that just sold, letting them know you have a buyer for them too.

In it, you’ll ask them to call you to find out what your buyer would pay for their home.

Of course, you’ll only write the letter ethically by representing a real buyer, either a retail buyer in your CRM or an institutional buyer who provides instant offers. There isn’t any buyer personal information in the letter.

Frank takes you through the steps of how to pull the mailing list, format the mailing list, write the letter, and mail it using a mail house that will print, stuff, and mail them for you at the cost of about $1 a letter. The cost can get down to about $0.85 a letter at volume, and you always mail first class pre-sort (never standard/junk mail rate).

We also go over how to get these buyers, how to get a commission agreement with the sellers signed, and how to handle the inbound calls.

If you are looking for a timeless way to generate seller leads that will consistently and predictably get people to call you who are interested in selling their home, this is it.