Spring Bengtzen’s real estate team of 27 agents – located about 20 minutes outside of Salt Lake City, Utah – has already sold 259 units as of August 2021. If things continue in this hot housing market, they will likely sell around 450 homes by the end of the year.

Spring got her operational costs down considerably by hiring an international team of virtual assistants, so she can invest more resources into her agents and the customer experience (5-star agent communication, which is the #1 complaint of homeowners working with an agent). She’s also working on the ancillary side of things, like opening a title company, to stay competitive.

It was only five years ago she was ready to leave the business entirely and go back to being a hairdresser – barely making any money with a very small team. Since then, she’s been watching Keeping it Real and implemented the systems(and philosophies) of our guests. Spring shares what she’s learned about seller lead generation, recruiting, hiring agents, selling homes, and streamlining your operations. She also just transitioned her brokerage to ΓEA⅃ this summer. You’ll hear her thoughts on that decision, too, with the recent explosion of brokerage options in the space.

Join Frank Klesitz for this Keeping it Real and learn how you too can model what Spring’s doing to grow your real estate business!