Chris Watters, one of the top real estate agents in Austin, is our guest this week on Keeping it Real - LIVE from Inman Connect in Las Vegas!

In 3 years, back when he re-launched his real estate team correctly after burning it down, he went from earning $0 in real estate to $1 million dollars net income (after expenses), all while out of production. It's a pretty incredible story on scaling up a real estate team.

In short, the secret is he started recruiting agents immediately to his online leads. In addition to that, Chris raised money from local businesses who benefit downstream from new movers (not on the settlement statement), all who chipped in financially toward his marketing costs to buy the online buyer and seller leads in the first place.

This is one of the fastest stories of scaling up a real estate team we've heard on Keeping it Real. We're excited to interview Chris so you can model his success. If you're working to build up your real estate team fast from scratch, this is one you should tune in for!

For a complete transcript of this episode go to