(Attention: The interview starts at 13 minutes if you want to skip straight to it! Our intro is a bit longer today because we made changes to our mood scale due to new information from Jessica's doctor. ) This week, Sarah and Jessica talk to Anna and Maria, the twin sisters behind the podcast Bipolar Bicostal. Anna and Maria share their unique bipolar stories and how it affected their lives and their extremely close relationship. Sarah is reassured that her under-employed existence has value. Jessica tries to deal with the chaos that is four passionate bipolar babes on one podcast. If you liked this podcast, go listen to Bipolar Bicostal's interview with Keep It Hush Hush, available wherever podcast can be found!

CW: Due to the nature of our subject matter, topics like suicide, mental illness symptoms, self-harm, and trauma may come up. For privacy and triggering reasons, we do not talk about these topics in graphic detail.

If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide or urges to self-harm, please call your local crisis line. Follow this link to find a crisis line in your area: https://unwantedlife.me/global-crisis-lines

**Disclaimer** We are not doctors, licensed therapists, or social workers. We are not professionals in the field of mental illness/health. Everything said on this podcast is our own opinions formed from personal experience.  Please ask your family doctor or a licensed therapist if something we say resonates with you and you would like to learn more about it. We are not here to give medical or clinical advice. We are simply here to share experiences and create a safe space for open conversation to end the stigma behind mental illness.

If you don't have access to a therapist, you can ask a volunteer working for the crisis line (provided above)  to give you more resources about what is available to you in your area.