I got to talk with NLP Practitioner, Life & Success coach Katie Edwards. She shares about the importance of putting yourself into the rooms with people you want to grow into and how it’s incredibly valuable to be the beginner in the room. We talk about being human at the core and remember that we are all human here to show one another what’s possible in our lives. Katie gets into her framework around self-sabatoge what it looks like and how to move through that. Doing the inner work to get aligned around who you are at the core and falling in love with the process is what will truly move you in your life and business forward.


Katie spent the first 30 years of her life struggling with crippling anxiety and fear. After going through years of therapy and learning she stumbled upon neuro linguistic programming and it changed her life. Since then she has transformed her confidence and learned a framework to not only befriend her mind, but find ways that work for her to show up in her power and live a life of impact. Today she owns a coaching business where she helps other women do exactly that and has committed her life to helping women no longer self sabotage and instead, show up in their power so that they can live the life they know they are meant for. She is an NLP certified practitioner and life and success coach and currently lives in Boise Idaho.


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