~~The narrative is impressive and steady and the story engaging at once. Given the cover, and the fact that the book is Sci-fi, we get anxious to see what marvelous science fiction is going go happen, because we are introduced to an archaeology site digging, which, has, per our experience in Sci-fi, good basis to discover mysteries of ancient societies, or…. aliens. But the writer, V. S Holmes, knows her craft, her story and characters and where she wants the readers at all times. Lovely.

The description of things in the book are as necessary. Characters make great first impressions and the connections explained with simplicity. V. S. Holmes uses the background of the characters to add layers of mystery and keep readers focused. The author, gives us bits and pieces of information about them while moving the plot with purpose.

The antagonists, presented not long after the book starts add a layer of curiosity to the reading experience. Albeit all the mystery and conflicts, V. S. Holmes doesn’t give time to readers to think or guess. The narrative flows and the story moves with a jogging pace as more mystery plots appear on the story. A nice trick to keep readers interested.

We have a strange excavation site facing a group of local rebels trying to protect something. But given that the site is new, the questions are: What are they trying to protect in that site? And why?

Archaeology is fun after all, or at least the author makes a pretty damn job of making it fun.

One of the MCs, Mickey, is very interesting. His gentle personality and a approach to things brings a much needed layer to the book, adding depth to it. Given that he acts as a mentor and friend to Nel, they make a perfect contrast and add depth to the book with their dynamic. Comical and wise, he enlightens the story and brings about the many shades of Nel. Nice!

Full review here

Book Score: 8.6/10
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