Health is one of the most talked about subjects at any point in time on a society, and ironically the most ignored subject when it comes to personal decisions.

Let us be honest, we ALL could eat better, and we can all eat better food, we can all improve our diets and we can all live longer, healthier lives. But why don’t we all do it? THAT’S the question. I mean, we all want to live past the 100 years, and we all know that this is possible, there are many live examples of this, thousands, so it’s not far-fetched. We all want to live without worrying about hospital bills, cancers, and all those nasty and expensive diseases, and we all know how easy it is to change a little ingredient here and there, so WHY don’t we do it? After reading this amazing book, I figured the answer to that: we don’t have the right motivation to do it. Crazy? Let me explain:

You see, fast-food is easy to acquire, it’s cheap on our pockets, but in the end it costs us our lives. Yet, just the deliciousness of those fatty, tasty meals, is enough to motivate us to continue eating. So here’s the question I have for you: What if every label of fast-food, every single package of fast-food came with the amount of hours, or days, that is taking away from your life? Would you eat it still? Exactly! What does this has to do with this AMAZING book by Tricia Silverman? It’s exactly the opposite! You see, the genius behind this book is that Tricia Silverman was able to CLEARLY show the dividends of eating healthy food by concretely relating it on how much longer, and better we can live! THAT’S WHY we love this book! And THAT’s why we are sure that this book will make you realize how important your daily diet is, and here’s the trick, Tricia Silverman doesn’t go all wandery and vague on what you should or shouldn’t eat, she ACTUALLY tells the difference that each element on your diet affects you and your body, and yes, you will stop eating lots of salt and realize how important it is to put waaaay more vegetables on your diets, and yes, you will start looking twice at those burgers and cereals.

Read the Full review Here 

Book score: 9.6/10

Get your copy on Amazon // Author page // SCWFit 


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