Here we have a book with an interesting premise: A 65 year old man, goes on a crazy journey from Pierre, US , to the freaking NORTH POLE! With a bike! No, no, not a motorcycle, a BICYCLE! And here’s the best part of it: this isn’t fiction. It’s a travelogue.

YES! That is right, this book is about the journey of Gary W. Wietgrefe written by he himself, as he bicycled his way from the USA to the North Pole, on a 10 year old bicycle, in 40 FREAKING DAYS! He wrote it all, he catalogued it all and now, in this book he lets us know the adventures, in humorous detail, that he had while pushing his way to one of the poles of the Earth, enduring the harshness of weather, without distractions, no music, no earphones, no laptop, just he himself, his supplies – with his lovely wife as back support team-  and nature and it’s grace and dangers on the way, along some dangerous and speeding drivers. How AMAZING IS that?

This is something that 25 year-old daredevils would never think about doing, and if they did, it would be waaay too extreme for them, but here we have a 65 year old man, doing it like a boss, without safety nets, without guarantees, back-ups, guns or anything like it, facing a 5000 Kilometre journey, against the wilderness and risking his life at every spin of the wheel! Welcome to “ Destination: North Pole – 5000 Km by Bicycle ” by Gary W. Wietgrefe, this is its review.

From the introduction, we get a clear idea of the narrative of the author, finding it pleasing and enticing enough to make the readers wonder and imagine things for themselves, although there are pictures on the book, and give the reader the sense of adventure that one would get in a fantasy book, so, by the end of it, we are pretty relaxed and confident that this will be a good read and a valuable one indeed.

Read Full Review Here 

Book Score: 9.4/10

Grab your copy on Amazon // Barnes&Noble


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