Today is a solo show. I explore the practice of surrender, what it means to me, and how it fosters more room for our teens to show up as their fullest selves.
Takeaways include:

Gratitude for the journey

Surrender as being with life as it unfolds

What it means to let go of our narrative

Trusting our teens are growing through what they're going through

Letting our kids take the lead

For more show notes, including full transcripts, visit our website here.
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Today is a solo show. I explore the practice of surrender, what it means to me, and how it fosters more room for our teens to show up as their fullest selves.

Takeaways include:

Gratitude for the journey
Surrender as being with life as it unfolds
What it means to let go of our narrative
Trusting our teens are growing through what they're going through
Letting our kids take the lead

For more show notes, including full transcripts, visit our website here.

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