"You took my ______!" "That's not fair you have_________!" " I want _________ now!" Sound familiar!?

One of the big challenges we face with multiple kids under one roof is sibling conflict! This becomes even more of a struggle when we have kiddos with highly intense emotions and trouble regulating those big emotions!! 

I for one know that my kiddos who all have emotional regulation struggles, tend to break out in fights quite frequently and we have to be intentional to help lead them to resolving the conflict and finding ways to get along! 

In this episode, we will explore WHY kids with ADHD and their siblings tend to fight more often and WHAT steps we can take to resolve the conflict more quickly and restore relationships through connection and better understanding! 

Sneak peak of episode content:

"Why" may include:

Feelings of jealousy, competitiveness, wanting to be included, feeling like things aren't fair, and the crazy one is seeking that negative pleasure of dopamine by stirring up conflict!! Being misunderstood, lack of knowlege around the struggles ADHD brings.

Now what can we do!?

Connect through common interests Practice working together on things Create space and practice walking away to find calm when lava starts to boil up! Celebrate your siblings strengths/Encourage and compliment each other Respect your siblings space and give time, just like you want them to give you Practice gentleness, kindness, and self-control with words and actions Educate them on the WHY and how your emotions hijack your thinking brain sometimes! Understanding will lead to connection and compassion. This is a door to open to ask for help in the future if the sibling is able to!

Becoming self-aware of the WHY and choosing even just one or two steps to take toward connection before conflict will take you on a road to recovering those valuable sibling relationships! 

Go to my website www.katelynmabry.com to get on my email list for weekly episodes straight to your inbox with added resources. You can also check out my book, follow me on social media, and/or get on my schedule for a free ADHD coaching consultation! Find the right next step for you to grow on your ADHD journey!! Have a great day! Love you all!