Previous Episode: The Power of Chores

This title came to me as I was working out at the gym today and so did the silly rap I decided to record at the beginning of this episode;) Too often shame is something that is tied to getting an ADHD diagnosis! Let's get rid of that ASAP!!

ADHD can feel like a game sometimes, doesn't it!? Trying to figure out how to play, what move to make, which tool/piece to use, and there is always strategy to figure out too!! One card that we need to make sure is not a part of our game is SHAME! This is a very intense emotion, often triggered by those fixed thoughts we talk about!

As ADHD warriors we can combat ways in different ways...Here are 5 ways that will hopefully help lead you down a path of progress from shame to shining your beautiful bright light!

1. Bring any shame thoughts/feeling into the light/ share with trusted adult/friend. 

2. Unravel and pick apart shameful feelings to compare it to what is true! 

3. Detach what you do from who you are! What do you place your identity in!?

4. Recognize triggers...What are your shame triggers? When you identify those triggers, then you can put them to rest.

5. CONNECT with others! Shame often occers when feeling disconnected, so do the opposite and intentially connect with those you love and trust.

When you throw away the card of can play the card of confidence, the card of self- compassion, and the card of caring for others! That sounds like a pretty awesome game!! 

Hop on my email list when you go to my website so you can get the latest podcast episode right in your inbox each Friday! I also add some more fun resources on there too!Wohoo! Message me if you want to submit an audio and be a star on an upcoming episode!!

You can book a free coaching consultation at We can get rid of your shame card together! 

Love you all! 



I used this article below as a reference and guide while applying it to living with shame as an ADHD warrior!