ACCOUNTABILITY! It's a big word that we ALL need!! Our ADHD brains are wired in a way that requires accountability to be exercised so that we can grow that muscle. In this episode, you will learn about 3 different ways you can put accoutability into place in order to hold yourself responsible for tackling task that come your way! Please note: This is something that is not expected to be mastered until much older, but it's never to soon to start strengthening this skill! 

Connect-Find and ask a trusted person to help you carry out tasks and remember things. This is someone who will build you up and encourage you, even when you fall. Collect- Discover and build up your toolbox with things that work best for your brain! Set alarms/reminders on phone, Alexa, ect. Use check lists or post-its, write on a whiteboard... just make sure it's something that's in your face! Create-Come up with a system that works best for your brain! Put urgency in place and give yourself immediate reward after completing non-preferred tasks (ie: I can play my video game after completing my homework before dinner!) 

I hope this is helpful for you and your kiddo to navigate together! Please reach out with questions, future topic ideas, or if you'd like to be a guest on a future podcast episode! Email me at [email protected] or visit my website to get on my weekly email list, check out my children's book, or to schedule a free ADHD coaching consultation. I look forward to hearing from you! Have a blessed weekend! You are loved!