It's been a while since we’ve seen each other! When we wrapped season 4 in the fall of 2020, we thought of it as a kind of intermission. A 2-year long intermission. But we are finally back!

So we start off today's episode with a little reintroduction to myself, the podcast, and my mission. 

But mostly, we want to check in with this shorty episode. This fall semester has been a tough one for me, there has just been a heaviness that I haven’t been able to shake. And I’m guessing I may not be the only one. So I want to check in with you. How are you supporting yourself when work and life get hard? What are your self-care routines, and are you doing them?

And I want to check in with your work. Are you being open and honest with your team about the support you need, and are you giving them the space to be honest with you? We’re hoping to crack the concept that we’re all doing fine. Because higher ed is indeed not doing okay.

For all notes of this episode head to:


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Email: [email protected]


Mentioned in the episode:

Josie Shorty: Applying Ease to Podcasting

Digital Community Building Cohort

NASPA Pillars of the Profession

Renew Retreat Series
Cultivating Critical Hope: The Too Often Forgotten Dimension of Critical Leadership Development

Dr. Adam Peck’s Tweet - National Coming Out Day

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