In this weeks episode, Joe addresses a topic that's long overdo - How to [properly] use chains in the weightroom!  Contrary to what many Personal Trainers believe; the chains at your gym were NOT put there for you to throw over your shoulder and take douchebag Instagram selfies. They actually serve a greater purpose. In fact, they serve many greater purposes! 
During this podcast, Joe explains exactly how to set up the chains properly to "accommodate resistance". This leads to greater strength, hypertrophy and power gains! He also reveals how he's successfully used the chains to aid in his athlete's rehabilitation programs. Additionally, he talks about the little-known "suspended chain" set-up that he occasionally uses with his advanced athletes. This set-up provides a totally different training stimulus (compared to the traditional set-up) and should not be overlooked! Joe also discusses the difference between training with chains versus bands (and shares an invaluable personal experience.)  All this plus much, Much MORE!