This week, Joe sits down with Dr. Rhonda Patrick to discuss her research on heat stress, sauna use, and her "Core 4" supplement recommendations for improving performance and living longer. 
In this information-packed, 97-minute interview you will learn:
The sauna's effect on mood, cognitive function and preventing muscle atrophy; Why you'll benefit more from the sauna if you stay in there until you feel "uncomfortable"; How exposing your body to heat can have a positive effect on cardiovascular health; How you can use the sauna to come back from an injury 30% faster; How you can activate "heat shock proteins" in your body (They are very good for preventing muscle damage); Why people who "sweat easily" are probably healthier than their "non-sweaty" counterparts; Dr. Rhonda Patrick's "Core 4" supplements that every athlete and "average Joe" should take; The importance of supplementing with a quality fish oil; Dr. Rhonda Patrick's most trusted fish oil brand (and how to test YOUR fish oil for purity); Why you should consume a vitamin D supplement that also has vitamin K2 in it; The dangers of taking too much vitamin D (more is NOT better); The best method for consuming your magnesium (Your stomach will thank you later); Why it's important to take an ACTIVATED B-Complex supplement; Dr. Rhonda Patrick's most trusted multi-vitamin and much, Much MORE!! 
