In this episode, Joe shines the spotlight on a neglected group of muscles that need a lot more attention than they receive. You may not be able to see the musculature of your upper back when looking in the mirror, but that doesn't mean you should ignore these super important muscles. 
Joe explains why so many athletes (regardless of sport) have pre-existing shoulder injuries when they come to him. The "anterior" dominance of sport and daily activities (driving, texting, typing, etc.) has created a society of shortened pecs, poor posture and weak upper backs. When you couple these issues with incompetent personal trainers and coaches (that don't know how to properly design programs), you have a recipe for disaster. 
Joe explains exactly how you should be training your upper back in order to correct/prevent shoulder problems and improve your posture - while simultaneously improving power output! He even reveals his Top 6 "Uncommon" Back Exercises that you rarely (if ever) see being performed at your local health club. (You NEED to  incorporate these into your training.) 
After listening to this episode, you will undoubtedly have a new perspective on how to train this group of muscles, as well as a new-found respect for their importance.