This week Joseph chats to Brendan Maguire about, Online Buying Behaviour - understanding the digital consumer and the implications for website design and strategy.

Brendan is an experienced digital marketing specialist, lecturer and keynote speaker with over 15 years extensive experience in Digital Marketing. 

Previous employers include Coca Cola, the Marketing Institute of Ireland, Dublin Business School, IT Tallaght, NCI, Sureskills Ltd, and the Digital Marketing Institute 


(1) High v Low Involvement Purchases

Very often conversions are discussed in a very general sense and I've noticed a perception building that many people see all conversions being the same - the reality is that conversions are user defined and we need to set appropriate conversions for our business.

High involvement purchases seldom convert on the first visit.

Sometimes too much focus on the persona - not enough on the buying situation or type of product/service. Balance.

(2) General consumer buyer behaviour

- Traditional model - (1) Problem Recognition, (2) Information Search, (3) Evaluation of Alternatives, (4) Purchase Decision and (5) Post Purchase Behaviour

Dynamic Consumer Journey - at each stage of this process, users can take both shallow and deep "dives" to gather more information for the particular stage they are at in the journey. Users are often self qualifying themselves.

(3) Showrooming

The use of mobile devices to research products and services while in store.

(4) Digital Marketing Strategy - RACE model

If we have high involvement purchase - chances of getting customer to buy on first device and from a mobile device are slim. Therefore we need a strategy to try to turn these visits into leads - call to actions for sign ups, call backs or the use of advanced tagging with Google Tag Manager to build higher quality remarketing lists which can be used to close sales.



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