Bryce Sanborn stops by to talk about his upcoming trial of the carnivore diet, what he's heard about it, and what he hopes to achieve from the way of eating. The idea is to record this now, maybe do a check-in podcast part way through the trial, and then record another podcast at the completion of 30 days of carnivory. What will happen? Only time will tell.

(For what it's worth, on 2/4 at 7 PM, Joe's predictions are: some challenges and sluggishness as Bryce transitions from carbohydrate-fueled metabolism to fat-fueled metabolism. Some social challenges. Increased mental clarity, physical energy. Decreased aches and pains and decreased body fat. And on blood tests: lowered triglycerides, increased HDL. No prediction on LDL.)

For more from Bryce, check him out at