Do you have any idea what’s required for you to evolve and grow as a person? Service provider? CEO?


This is what I’m going to be tackling during this episode. It’s particularly important if you find yourself with any limiting beliefs, or if you have a lot of people around you who don’t understand what’s going on.


When you hear yourself saying things like “It’s difficult to make new friends as an adult” when you’re trying to upgrade your circle, or “Selling my services is hard” when you’re trying to find clients then it’s time for a mindset shift.


Throughout this episode, I’m going to be addressing some of these beliefs and challenging your perspective to get you into a state of discomfort and on the path to success…

Key Highlights of the Episode

This episode was extremely actionable and insightful. Here are a few key highlights:

Is it hard to make new friends as an adult? - When you need to upgrade the people around you, making new friends can seem hard. But, it’s not. I just think it’s uncomfortable, so why not go out there and introduce yourself, join a group coaching session, and get active in the Facebook Group. Daily discomfort is the price of success - It’s so easy to label things as being hard and giving up before we get started as we let the fear build up. But, if you’re willing to push through the comfort over and over again, then you’re setting yourself up for success.  You don’t get what you want, you get what you deserve - Getting from where you are to where you want to be is a road of daily discomfort. There will be sacrifices necessary. You have to voluntarily coach yourself by putting yourself in positions of discomfort. Have faith - Are you willing to believe in something even when there is no evidence to support it? You’re highly unlikely to have evidence when you’re trying to achieve something brand new to you. This is where a little faith is required. Start by finding gaps in your business - When you want to upgrade your circle, think about your objective. A great way to do this is to identify gaps in your business that need to be filled. Find appropriate mentors or coaches in these fields, and sign up for their live events or join their group coaching sessions. And lots more! Tune in now.  This episode is brought to you by ACUITY SCHEDULING:


Support for our show today came from Acuity Scheduling. 


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