This episode features the wonderful Shannae Ingleton, an entrepreneur who serves as a glowing example of how to take the lessons learned from the corporate world and apply them to entreprenuership. She not only quit her job to start a business but then returned to the corporate world in order to fully learn about what it took to run a successful business.


On top of being a leading influencer, Shannae is also the co-founder of Kensington Grey, a boutique influencer agency that manages and negotiates sponsorship deals on behalf of clients.


Key Highlights of the Episode

This episode was extremely actionable and insightful. Here are a few key highlights:

More than an idea - Shannae realized there’s more to being an entrepreneur than merely having a good idea and getting people to show up at her events. Due to spending more than she was making, she needed to return to the corporate world to learn about what it took to run a business. The benefits of a corporate job - Shannae used her corporate job as an excellent learning experience. Not only did it provide her with a steady paycheck, but also allowed her to add to her skill set and expertise. Are you creating quality and compelling content? - After working alongside many editors and creative individuals, Shanae learned that when you create genuine, high-quality content, it attracts both fans and sponsors. Build a support group - Shannae started a group of like-minded influencers which has grown to around 200 members. This open-minded network allows each member to grow and flourish as resources and expertise get shared. Shannae’s advice for attracting sponsors -  When you’re unique, genuine and obsessed about providing value for your audience, you will grow and have a super-engaged tribe following you. And lots more! Tune in now.  This episode is brought to you by Acuity Scheduling:

Support for our show today came from Acuity Scheduling. 


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