Today’s podcast is part 3 from my Services That Sell premium course that has taught countless individuals how to hit a four-figure monthly income.


If you haven’t checked out part 1 and part 2, then I highly recommend going over them before continuing. Because today I’m going to introduce you to something that will give you a laser-like focus and have you charging forward as you build momentum.


The POP method is just the thing to discover the marketing and sales strategy that produces the largest ROI.


The POP method was designed to declutter everything in your environment so you can focus on what’s going to get you results. Things like building a personal brand may be important, but what I’m recommending is so much more powerful. Here, you’re becoming known for solving a specific problem using your methodology. You’re building a personal service brand.


Sales That Sell is a masterclass training where I break down exactly what you need to do in order to roll in high ticket clients consistently. The POP method is only part the proven methodology that we share with all our students.

If you’re ready to start serving your clients while selling your services consistently then listen to the podcast on iTunes today. I also strongly urge you to subscribe so you don’t miss any of this free content that could help turn your business (and life) around.

For more information, visit