Today’s podcast is part 2 of my Services That Sell premium course that has taught countless individuals how to hit a four-figure monthly income.


If you’ve successfully followed part 1, then you’ll already know what specific problem you’re going to sell.


Now it’s important to determine what’s the most profitable way to package your offer and deliver your service. While I’m going to outline three options, you’ll also want to decide which one is most suitable for your business idea and how to go about providing a premium experience for your clients.


It’s about working smarter, not harder. You can expand your product offerings in the future after you’ve laid a solid foundation. However, in the first twelve months, concentrate your efforts on one thing at a time.


And remember, you don’t have to wait until you have a large audience before you start selling. Just determine where you’re at and choose the best of the three delivery methods to use.


If you’re ready to go deep into the 3 types of services you can sell then listen to the podcast on iTunes today. I also strongly urge you to subscribe so you don’t miss any of this free content that could help turn your business (and life) around.

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