Web Components with Rob Dodson, Tushar Mathur, and Monica Dinculescu


There's been quite a bit of talk about the Web Components spec lately. As with anything new, there's been a lot of fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) about Web Components. We're going to chat about some of their use cases, strengths, and weaknesses to give us all a better idea of this tech.

Show sponsors:Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
TrackJS - JavaScript Error Monitoring
WebStorm - Smart JavaScript IDE
Trading Technologies - Building For What's Next
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Links, Picks, and Tips:

Monica Dinculescu


TipsEmoji-cli is an emoji-searcher-by-keyword as a cli

punchesbears is an amazing twitter where a dude posts hilarious videos of various videogames he is making (dancing bears! Throw macbooks at hipsters! Drunk navigating of a 7-11 for a burrito!)

Rob Dodson


LinksServer Components (https://pimterry.github.io/server-components/)
Using React app techniques at the web component level with Redux, virtual-dom, and JSX
Dig up twitter thread. It’s a total centithread but here’s a decent jumping in point (https://twitter.com/dan_abramov/status/770645608415784960)

TipsThe gas arrow in your rental car dashboard tells you which side the gas tank is on

PicksSlappy Cakes (http://www.slappycakes.com/)
Elon Musk biography by Ashlee Vance (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00KVI76ZS/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1)
The Corgi sticker from cotton bureau (https://cottonbureau.com/)

Tushar Mathur


Demythstifying Web Components

PicksGoogle I/O 2012 - Breaking the JavaScript Speed Limit with V8

Pam Selle


TipsDelete your Facebook (app)

PicksNPR fact check
Polymer Summit

Kent C. Dodds


If you know Elon Musk, I’d like an intro because I want him on the show I’m. Not. Joking.

Picksslice-js so far... (a gist giving a quick demo
React.js 50,000 stars (and some awesome shirts for the whole family!)

About JavaScript Air:
JavaScriptAir is the live broadcast podcast all about JavaScript hosted by egghead.io instructor Kent C. Dodds. Please visit the JavaScript Air website (javascriptair.com) to see upcoming and past episodes. Go to jsair.io/suggest to suggest topics and guests for the show. Go to jsair.io/feedback to provide feedback on this and other episodes. Also be sure to subscribe to our email newsletter at jsair.io/email and follow JavaScript Air on Twitter and Google+ to stay up to date with future episodes. Also, all episodes are on the YouTube channel as well.

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