Test all the things with Cypress with Brian Mann and Gleb Bahmutov


Cypress.io is an automated testing tool that runs in the context of the browser and has some really solid features that make unit, integration, and even end to end testing much easier!

Show sponsors:Egghead.io - Bite-sized web development video training
Frontend Masters - Expert front-end training
TrackJS - JavaScript Error Monitoring
WebStorm - Smart JavaScript IDE
Trading Technologies - Building For What's Next
React.js Program - Master the React.js Ecosystem
Sentry - Cross-platform crash-reporting

Links, Picks, and Tips:

Brian Mann


PicksRecent GitHub changes: Projects Tab is awesome!

Gleb Bahmutov


Zeit ▲ now

TipsCrash reporting (like TrackJs / Sentry / Raygun) are really useful during e2e testing!

PicksKatacoda - online Docker and Kubernetes training in live containers.

Kent C. Dodds


TipsDon’t forget to set your audio input setting in Hangouts on Air… :(

Picks"Idealized Commit Logs: Code Simplification via Program Slicing" by Alan Shreve
split-guide - A tool to help generate code for workshop repositories

About JavaScript Air:
JavaScriptAir is the live broadcast podcast all about JavaScript hosted by egghead.io instructor Kent C. Dodds. Please visit the JavaScript Air website (javascriptair.com) to see upcoming and past episodes. Go to jsair.io/suggest to suggest topics and guests for the show. Go to jsair.io/feedback to provide feedback on this and other episodes. Also be sure to subscribe to our email newsletter at jsair.io/email and follow JavaScript Air on Twitter and Google+ to stay up to date with future episodes. Also, all episodes are on the YouTube channel as well.


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