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Are you lonely and single?
Loneliness affects us all from time to time, but loneliness can feel increasingly difficult when going through periods of being single.
In today's podcast, I will be going through...

Why you may feel lonely when you are singlewhat you can do about loneliness when your not in a relationship Several important things to remember about loneliness Your questions And finally, a small personal challenge.

You can read more articles and videos similar to the thing on https://jamiefitzjohn.com

It's very common when you are looking to deal with loneliness to believe that you are single because you are lonely or you are lonely because you are single. In reality, neither can be true.

Many people are in a happy relationship but at the same time, feel lonely. Others have been single for 10,20,30 years and haven't felt lonely once.

I know just how appealing it can be to want a partner and to believe that all the negative feelings and loneliness that you have experience will go away.

Sadly..it does not. Loneliness is something we experienced internally. As an example, I could be in the same situation as you and be very lonely, but somebody else could be in your position and be content and happy with life.

The only thing that's different here is our perceptions. The other side of the coin is action…we must act in one way or another if we want to change.

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