Golden Nuggets ​​​• Leaders don't do $10 per hour jobs, they delegate • If you can't think outside the box, your business will die • Every entrepreneur should do sales • My should did not become my must • It's like baking, learn the recipe • Du diligence Gino is husband to his wonderful wife, Julia and father of six children. He has been a business owner for 25 years. Gino recently retired from the restaurant business to pursue real estate and coaching. His real estate portfolio includes 674 units. Mr. Barbaro has two best selling books on Amazon, Family, Food, and the Friars and Wheelbarrow Profits​. ​

We're here to help create multifamily entrepreneurs... Here's how: Brand New? Start Here: Want To Get Into Multifamily Real Estate Or Scale Your Current Portfolio Faster? Apply to join our PREMIER MULTIFAMILY INVESTING COMMUNITY & MENTORSHIP PROGRAM. (*Note: Our community is not for beginner investors) 👉 About Jake & Gino Jake & Gino are multifamily investors, operators, and mentors who have created a vertically integrated real estate company. They control over $250M in assets under management. They have created the Jake & Gino Premier Multifamily Community to teach others a simple three-step framework for investing in multifamily real estate. Connect with Jake & Gino on the social media platform you are most active on:
