Your Future Is Created By What You Do Today


Have you set your goals - be it short, mid or long term? Are you perplexed how to start? Does it seem like a daunting task to you or do you simply leave it out because you think it is not important? Get all the answers now!


In this episode, Julia and Gino Barbaro give you the step-by-step process and framework for setting goals and priorities. Only approximately 5% of the population actually sits down and set goals. Is it no coincidence that only around the same percentage of people are financially free by the time they attain the age of retirement.


The key takeaways from the Podcast include the following:


Progress takes place outside your comfort zone Fall in love with your actions, not your results Commit and figure it out Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments Enjoy the climb to the summit


The Multifamily Zone podcast was launched in 2019 to serve families and spouses who are committed to working together, building a better relationship with their kids, and strengthening the communication amongst the entire family.


Make sure to subscribe to the show via the link below, and start building a deeper relationship with your family.


Check out the series of Podcasts here:


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