You may see the title of this podcast and think… PASS…. I have no interest in being a CEO be it in a corporate setting or even as an entrepreneur. 

But we’re going to ask you to put your thoughts around what a CEO is or isn’t.  CEO thinking isn’t just limited to the professional world. 

You see, the ideas around thinking like a CEO are transferable to whatever you do for a living and wherever you are in your life. 

In this episode, we’re going to explore the minds of CEO’s, how they think and process differently and how you can apply their way of thinking into your everyday life. 

Are you working too hard?

You’ve missed your kid's last ten soccer games

You wake in the morning anxious about all there is to do and go to bed exhausted and feeling like you haven't even made a dent.

If you want to create more space, learn how to take back control of your day, Sign up for our Free Masterclass the Science of Productivity: How to stay competitive without working more.

 Save your seat at 

In this episode, we’re talking about what it means to think like a CEO and how the heck you do it. Plus, this week, we're challenging you to pick ONE concept below and start implementing it. Go back (which is why we added timestamps), listen to your choice again and commit.

Create space so that you can think, time to plan, time to visualize and dream, time to do Timestamp 7:53

Get curious, the greatest CEOs ask questions, they don’t just accept what they see, they question to learn  Timestamp 17:13

Think in frameworks and processes, understanding what needs to go into the foundation of what you are creating so you can build upon it Timestamp 25:17

Simplify, continually ask yourself the question – how can I make this simple? How can I make this easy?  Timestamp 29:19

Run everything through the service model, it can be Fast, Cheap, or Good – pick two of these and remember you can’t have all three Timestampe 29:58

Make your expectations aggressive but realistic, push yourself out of your comfort zone but don’t make it unrealistic Timestamp 31:23

Use a risk/reward formula to weigh decisions  Timestamp 32:16

Get out of the weeds – sometimes we (Mimi!) can go down the rabbit hole of too much detail – be careful to not get caught in that place Timestamp 34:55

Are you ready for a professional change? Schedule a 30-minute session with Jackie to get started. 

Mentioned in this episode: 

How to be a Thought Leader (podcast) 

Diverse Thinking Leads to Growth (podcast) 

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