Your friend just lost 14 lbs and looks even more beautiful than before. Your colleague wins an award at work for being the super contributor. The woman who was in your coaching classes launched her business and is killing it within the first year.

We are surrounded by other people’s successes. I guarantee if I asked you if you were envious in any of these situations, you would say, ‘no.’ 

Why? Not because you aren’t feeling envious but because it is an emotion we keep close and don’t share yet it’s felt by many.

In this episode, we are going to be breaking down the green-eyed monster and maybe, just maybe, turning him into our furry little friend.

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In this episode you’ll learn: 

The difference between envy versus jealousy What envy does to your brain The way you respond to someone's good fortune can directly result in what's happening in your brain. Did you know the pain center of your brain lights up when other's are successful?On the contrary, our brains release dopamine when we see misfortune happen to people (celebrity downward spiral obsessions are real)How envy fuels other emotions Envy is co-morbid with other emotions, coupled with anger, frustration, sadness, disappointment, embarrassment so managing the emotions before they get bigger is critical when envy arises.Why you need to process your envy How you can use envy as a clue to what you do want in lifeCan it propel you to achieve?Or wallow in your state in life?

Featured on the Show: 

Embarrassment, Psychology Today 

On Differentiating Embarrassment From Shame, European Journal of Social Psychology  

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