With this “Chats On The Road to RSA Conference 2018” we cover the last, but surely not least, of the Village Sandboxes: the one dedicated to the Internet of Things, AKA IoT.

Our world is filled with connected devices; and we are at a point that we do not even think about it. We went from zero to millions of IoT devices in relatively no time at all. It seems like yesterday that the Walkman was the coolest thing around. 

Now there are devices that help us communicate with each other, devices that make it easier for us as humans to interact with other (oftentimes, more complex) devices, and devices that even communicate amongst themselves on our behalf to take care of tasks that are too mundane - or maybe we have become too lazy or "too-cool-for-school" for us to do ourselves.

Driven by the need to address the scalability of security challenges we face in this connected world we live in, the IoT Village was born. This village is designed to give people with varying levels of skill sets an opportunity to connect these devices to networks to see how they work and how they break ... to take these devices apart to see how the pieces are vulnerable and how they can be exploited.

Perhaps a better way to put this and the other Villages is that they exist to give us a safe place - a sandbox, if you will - to play and break things, so we can reduce the need for the user to ask this question "if this safe to use" so often and with such vigor.

We have much, much more to say about this. Listen to the podcast and read more at https://www.itspmagazine.com/itsp-chronicles/chats-on-the-road-to-rsa-conference-2018-san-francisco